After inpatient treatment, it can be difficult to transition to the outside world and continue to commit to a drug- and alcohol-free life. Sober houses, on the other hand, are not as restrictive about who can reside on their properties. They tend to be structured more like private residences and can sometimes serve as long-term housing options. Residents have fewer rules than that of a halfway house but still may have to agree to abstinence, attend 12 step meetings or curfews.

One major benefit of staying in a sober living home is that it too helps its residents gain the skills and resources that they need to be able to maintain sobriety long-term. For example, it’s very common for sober living homes to offer their residents assistance with applying to and interviewing for jobs. Some sober living homes even offer their residents transportation services to commute them to and from their job interviews.

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Many halfway homes are still used to shelter newly released offenders or as a solution for homelessness, while others are dedicated to housing persons who have recently completed addiction treatment. Residents in halfway houses are frequently ordered by the courts to stay for a set period of time. Residents of halfway houses usually participate in additional activities such as group therapy and individual counseling. They also require the attendance of a 12-step program and have chore assignments for each resident.

halfway house vs sober house

The following lists show the contrasts and similarities between the two options. These residences also usually provide access to counseling, support groups, and employment resources. Residents are held accountable for their sobriety and must adhere to strict rules, curfews, and sometimes require drug testing. Moreover, these homes permit residents to have more freedom as they become accustomed to living without intensive support. Many sober living homes require residents to pay at least a portion of the rent.

How Long Can You Stay in a Sober-Living House?

Halfway houses also help former inmates stay out of trouble by providing them with structure in their lives. People that are new to substance addiction recovery live in sober living homes to help them transition back into regular society post-rehab. A halfway house is a community home typically designed for men or women who are mandated to spend time in a transitional facility. Most often, these individuals are returning to society after time spent serving a sentence for a drug or alcohol-related crime.